Underwater Cultural Monuments

Our responsibility

Stavanger Maritime Museum is one of five museums in Norway that has the administrational responsibility for underwater cultural monuments. We are responsible within the boundaries of Rogaland. This responsibility is pursuant to the Cultural Heritage Act.

Rogaland County Administration has the role of ‘common mailbox’ for all cases involving cultural monumental preservation in Rogaland. This means that the County Administration receives and distributes applications in accordance to the regulations in the Cultural Heritage Act.

The Maritime Museum handles applications concerning permission to encroach the seabed and carries out necessary registrations and digs prior to implementing actions.

Divers and others, who observe objects comprised by the Act, are responsible for reporting their finds to the Stavanger Maritime Museum.

Appeals against rulings made by the museums should be directed to The Directorate for Cultural Heritage. Appeals against rulings made by Directorate for Cultural Heritage should be directed to the Ministry of Environment.